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Veronique Cyphyre Discussion started by Veronique Cyphyre 7 years ago
Rick Carnes
Rick Carnes That's a very good question! I co-write every day here in Nashville and the rule of thumb is that the song is divided by the number of writers... 2 writers equals 50/50... But just because that is customary doesn't mean it is written in stone. I don't know of a specific .doc file that we have for an agreement between two writers except for an agreement we have concerning the mechanical rate in the case of one writer being subject to a 'controlled composition' clause in his/her recording contract. In a copyright assignment you always list the percentages so that is where the legal split gets defined... but that is after the song is written. Conflict could arise when two people didn't verbally agree before hand or if one of the parties has a change of heart after the co-write (always possible I suppose).The SGA believes in getting everything in writing where possible so I will query the legal staff about what would be needed and answer your question ASAP... that will probably be Monday afternoon or later because I am sure our lawyers will be heavily involved in holiday stuff over the weekend. Thanks for the question... it amazes me that I have never encountered it before in all my years!!! It is so logical... 7 years ago